Springbrook Rescue

The World Heritage rainforests of Springbrook in south-east Queensland, Australia, are a surviving remnant of an ancient era when rainforest covered much of the continent, and they preserve ancient lineages of plants and animals – many threatened. Concern about whether the small size and fragmented configuration of these rainforests would enable species and ecosystems to survive in the long term, led the Australian Rainforest Conservation Society (ARCS) to instigate Springbrook Rescue. Commencing in 2005, this 20-year program is protecting, enhancing and expanding the World Heritage rainforests of Springbrook through the purchase of properties that contribute to habitat values and connectivity, and the restoration of rainforest and other habitats on any cleared or degraded areas on these properties.

Community participation and support, along with government and corporate partnerships, are vital to Springbrook Rescue. Community groups participate in bird, fungi and plant surveys and monitoring, and weed control. Government and corporate partners support environmental monitoring. These research and monitoring projects enable progress to be assessed against clearly defined restoration goals, ensuring altered habitats are restored to a state closely matching their original condition so they will provide viable habitat for rare, threatened and significant species.